Become A Paid2Date Sponsor

Main Sponsor (US$ 5000/Yr)

A maximum of 5 non-competing companies are invited to become Main Sponsors.


  1. 30-sec video ad of the sponsor is featured on all episodes of the weekly livestream (Paid2Date Live), for a perion of 1 year.
  2. Sponsor’s logo and url are placed at the top of the profile page of all Paid2Date subscribers, for a period of 1 year.
  3. Sponsor’s banner (750 x 250) is placed at the bottom of all weekly broadcast emails sent out to Paid2Date subscribers, for a period of 1 year. The banner is hyperlinked to the sponsor’s website.
  4. Sponsor’s banner (960 x 250) is placed at the bottom of all pages of the Paid2Date platform, for a period of 1 year. The banner is hyperlinked to the sponsor’s website.
  5. 5 social posts of the sponsor will be published on the social media accounts of Paid2Date, for a period of 1 year.
  6. Sponsor’s marketing and branding materials will be displayed and distributed during all Paid2Date promotion events, for a period of 1 year.
  7. Sponsor’s products will be displayed at all Paid2Date promotion events, for a period of 1 year.
  8. Sponsor’s representative is invited to participate in all Paid2Date promotion events, for a period of 1 year.

Make Online Payment

Lottery Prize Sponsor (US$300 Per Prize)

An umlimited number of Bars, Reataurants, Transportation Services and other related companies are invited to become Prize Sponsors in the Paid2Date Lottery Promotion.


  • 30-sec video ad of the sponsor is featured on the episode of Paid2Date Live which features the winner.
  • The sponsor's name and url will be mentioned by the host of Paid2Date Live when the winner is announced on the show.
  • The sponsor's name and url will be featured in a post about winner on all the social media accounts of Paid2Date.

Companies can sponsor in with cash,  prouct/services ot both.

Make Online Payment