Safety Guidelines/Tips For Dating

The following are some of the things you can do to help keep yourself safe when using the Paid2Date platform.

You’re the best judge of your own safety, and these guidelines aren’t intended to substitute for your own judgement. Always act with caution when communicating with any stranger who wants to meet you.

Remember, your dating profile is visible to anyone on the Paid2Date platform.

Meeting Online

Share Carefully.

Keep your identifying information private. Don’t include your last name, home address, phone number, work address, financial information or any other identifying information in your Paid2Date profile or chat messages.

Report and Block anyone who asks you to share this kind of personal information, information that could compromise your privacy, safety or security, or anyone who you feel is suspicious. We won't let the person know that you reported them.

Watch Out for Scams

Scammers may try to use fake or compromised accounts to trick you into giving them money or personal information. If you've received a message that you believe is a scam, report the person to our Admin Team instead of replying.

Common warning signs include when a scammer:

  • Wants to leave Paid2Date immediately and use personal email or a messaging app to chat.
  • Claims to be in love very quickly to persuade you to talk with them.
  • Plans to visit, but claims that something bad happened and cancels plans.
  • Asks you to wire money or send gifts or gift cards.

Scammers might ask for money to cover travel, medical emergencies, hotel bills, hospital bills or visas. Remember that any online love interest that asks for money is likely a scammer.

Don't Send Money

Never respond to requests to send money, wire transfer money or make a donation. Stop communicating with anyone who attempts to pressure or trick you into revealing financial information.

Contact your bank and local law enforcement right away if you think you've sent money to a scammer, and report anyone who asks you to send money.

Meeting In Person

Take Your Time

People may misrepresent themselves and their intentions in their Paid2Date profile, including their gender or sexual orientation. This could lead to harassment or harm if you decide to meet them in person.

Keep your initial communications within the Paid2Date platform, do your research and really get to know the other person before you meet for the first date.

Tips for Staying Safe

Some suggestions to help you stay safe when meeting your date in person:

  • Tell someone about your plans: Always tell a trusted friend or family member about your plans before going out, including the exact location of your date and when you expect to be back home. Consider making your first meeting a group or double date and bring a friend along.
  • Share your location: Share your GPS location with a trusted friend or family member while you're out.
  • Meet and stay in public: When meeting someone for the first time, meet in a public place where other people are around.
  • Familiarize yourself with the meeting spot: If possible, check out the meeting location ahead of time.
  • Monitor any alcohol or substance consumption: Alcohol and other substances can affect behavior, so be aware of what you and others consume and always keep your glass in hand or in sight.
  • Make sure your mobile phone is charged: Keep your mobile phone fully charged and with you in case of an emergency.
  • Arrange your own transportation: Always arrange your own transportation to and from your date to make sure that you have control over when you arrive and leave. Never agree to be picked up at your home.
  • Share personal information carefully: Never feel obligated to reveal identifying information like your home address or the location where you work.
  • Always collect the funds for your Paid2Date booking from the client before the dating experience begins.
  • Always submit a review of your dating experience, especially the bad ones.

    Submit Review.

If You Feel Uncomfortable or Unsafe

If you or someone you know is the victim of a crime or is in immediate danger, contact your local law enforcement for help.

If you ever feel pressured or uncomfortable, you can:

  • End the date and arrange your own transportation home.
  • Block anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable.
  • Report anyone you think is suspicious.